Local Projects

A core feature of our firm is our ability to connect our clients to local projects.

Our firm originated from our desire to provide scientists, educators, and healthcare professionals exceptional wealth management and an avenue to give back to the community. It is essential that we facilitate the financial success of our clients to provide them more room to provide charitable contributions. To stay true to our mission we donate a portion of our fees to any nonprofit of your choice. If you wish to donate more than this, we are happy to walk you through the most effective way for you and the donor recipient.

Our due diligence process leverages Charity Navigator – Your Guide To Intelligent Giving | Home which is an independent nonprofit evaluator. They look at criteria such as IRS tax status, revenue, length of operation, admin expenses, and many more attributes to develop their ratings and classifications. Please visit their website to learn more about their services and look for charities in your area using their advanced search function. Additionally, we do due diligence on smaller nonprofits (e.g., land trusts or school foundations) which do not qualify for their rating system. Our due diligence can consist of site visits, phone call inquires, and requesting additional information about an organization.

As our company grows, we will choose ambassador projects which will be selected by our clients and environmental outreach coordinator. We will showcase these projects on this page and provide updates on how our donations are impacting their mission statements. We hope that our clients will gain great satisfaction from seeing how concentrated donations can make a real difference on smaller scale projects.

Additionally, we are in the process of developing an interactive dashboard for our clients to help them explore nonprofits in their local communities. Stay tuned for this dashboard to go live and in the meantime take a sneak peek below at the number of locations we have been able to identify so far!