
Are you a good fit for us?

We work best with people who have dedicated their careers to giving back to society. This can encompass a wide range of careers, but we excel with scientists, educators, and healthcare professionals. In addition to this we help individuals who are preparing for retirement and are looking to expand their philanthropic footprint. For a brief summary of what option makes sense for you see our three types of services below and keep scrolling for a more in-depth description.

Wealth Management: This is best suited for clients who have complex financial situation or want a hands-off approach to their investments. This allows us the deepest insight into your financial picture and the ability to manage your investments. This option enables us to view your investments continuously and provide recommendations and educational lessons when an opportunity arises.

Financial Planning: This option is great for someone who needs continuous consultation and ongoing support but wants to ultimately handle their own investments. After developing your financial plan, we will be helping you to implement it. This allows a client to be actively involved and get hands on experience to eventually become capable of making their own financial decisions.

Hourly Planning: An hourly consultation makes the most sense for someone who has a very specific issue they are trying to solve or are looking for a one-time financial plan they can take and implement on their own.

We often get asked by potential clients if they really need a financial planner when they can just manage their own money. I used to doubt the value of financial planners but through extensive research throughout the Covid-19 pandemic I started to realize their worth. I want to highlight a few of the most impactful reasons HERE.

Wealth Management

Our team will implement a multi-faceted investment approach to meet your short and long-term objectives.

In addition to the financial plan, we will create a unique risk profile for each client and provide continuous asset management. Our investment philosophy will be tailored to each client and will focus on a hybrid approach of individual stocks, bonds, and low cost electronically traded funds (ETFs). Depending on the risk profile of the client we can also help to facilitate alternative assets including but not limited to commodities, options, and cryptocurrencies.

Managing wealth is more complex than just investment decisions. In addition to portfolio management, we will assess your tax situation, retirement plans, estate, and charitable contributions. Taking a holistic approach in our assessment, allows us to identify opportunities that can help to improve your financial circumstances. This option also provides access to all our state-of-the-art portfolio management software which will allow us to keep your risk tolerance and diversification properly managed while optimizing tax harvesting strategies.

Cost: Our advisory fee is based on Assets Under Management and is calculated as follows:

Fees are paid in arrears at the end of the month. The advisory fee is a tiered fee and is calculated by assessing the percentage rates using the predefined levels of assets as shown above and are based on the value of Client’s account(s) as of the last day of the billing period. Accounts initiated during a calendar quarter will be charged a prorated fee based on the amount of time remaining in the billing period. An account may be terminated with written notice at least 30 calendar days in advance. Since fees are paid in arrears, no refund will be needed upon termination of the account.

Financial Planning

We will work closely with you to develop a comprehensive picture of your financial situation.

Throughout our exploratory phase we will assess your net worth, cashflow, credit scores, benefits, tax management, insurance, investments, college savings, estate planning, and more. Our clients subscribing to this service will receive a written or electronic report outlining the necessary steps to help reach their financial objectives. This plan will be updated as needed if there are any significant changes in their financial outlook. Our goal is to build relationships with our clients and facilitate their education, financial objectives, and to make confident decisions going forward.

Cost: This option consists of an upfront fee of $500-2500 fee for onboarding, data collection, and development of financial plan. After the development of your plan will charge a monthly fee of $100-$500 per month for ongoing modifications and educational sessions.

We also provide financial planning through an hourly fee structure. Our hourly rate is $250 per hour. Depending on your financial situation you may be eligible for a reduced cost if you are a young professional just getting started.

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